VCC Sponsored Modern Programming events and hackathons

Further opening the door for our membership to know what software development and IT courses/Hackathons are already at the space:


Programming Courses



Hack-a-thons (mini)

CTF/Infosec Courses

Committee Events

Board Agenda

VCC Committee Meeting

DMS Developer Pool Priorities Meeting

How did you manage to clone yourself?

The following classes are at the same time:

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Multi-part events are broken then because that’s how. Or maybe just maybe I’ve developed a way to quantiumly copy myself in two places at the same time. :wink:

Not kidding.

Look at Tuesday, December 12 at 7PM…

yeah i saw that. Its why I’m laughing.

At this point I don’t have sign ups for the JavaScript class so it’s sadly going to be a lower priority than the overlapping python class.