Upgrade Laser Cutter to 700w Yag

Ok, pie in the sky here but would be cool to retrofit a laser cutter to also use a YAG laser.

Probably too much but: Moa Powa!



Yes! I reacted to this the way Homer Simpson reacts to doughnuts :doughnut:


I personally can’t wait for metal shop’s fibre laser

You might contact Thunder Laser and see if they would be willing to import a YAG laser from whoever they currently import from. That way it would be similar to the systems and build quality we have been happy with.

Metal shop is getting a 1.5kW fiber laser, so there will be something like this eventually, except differently shaped.

WHAT, please tell me more!


2kW fiber lasers are now down to 4 unit high rack mounts now. Amazing tech!

:smile: You state that like it is already decided, but to me it is but a dream right next to the water jet. Congrats on your elections as head of laser and best of luck in your reign.


A full size water jet is unlikely. They need lots of space, consumables, and maintenance. IE They are expensive to run. And they are sexy as hell.

I am encouraged about the “desktop” units. Still a young technology.

Eventually, a small unit should happen.

:smile: You state that like it is already decided, but to me it is but a dream right next to the water jet.

@hon1nbo should know more about the metal shop laser

Congrats on your elections as head of laser and best of luck in your reign.

Thanks! Should be fun :grinning:

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Don’t toy with us. My heart just skipped a beat.
Oh please let it be true! :grin:


Yes, 1.5kw output fiber laser. Draw’s 43kw, the service at 480, we will have to get a transformer, is about 53 amps. The rough calculations of heat load is around 13,000 BTU’s, just over 1 ton of cooling. We are still in the data gathering for it.


The tale is one donor has the laser but no CNC bed. The other a bed but no plasma head. We are going to do a merge of the two.

Correct Bill. We wil have a intrusive alarm that keeps folk from getting too close to it when its running.

I thought it was a diode/fiber pumped laser not a arc lamp pumped laser. :wink:

My lamp pumped laser uses 4-6kW to make 80watts of 1064nm.

Guy who had the 10kw fiber laser you guys talked about before here… :slight_smile:

That sounds like a 1.5kw fiber COUPLED laser (ie a lamp pumped yag), NOT a fiber laser. A 1.5kw fiber laser would only need 220v single phase. The heatload from a fiber coupled lamp pumped yag is NOT going to be 1 ton of cooling, but more like 15 or 20 tons. just a helpful FYI :wink: