I have updated the DMS Discords list of chair people and vice chairs.
BUT! Im missing a few people… heres my most wanted for yall to give me handles for.
creative arts - roger valles @rvalles70
digital media - daniel H @tombakerftw
fired arts - chris c & ingrid t @cmcooper0 @FrenchFrog
hatchers - nick sainz @Nick
jewelry - joseph l & terry sikes @nausser915 @Terrence
machine shop - chris w & time bene @Chris_Wischkowsky @TBJK
motorsports - tim bene
science - josh M @Josh_Melnick
vector - shawn c @Shawn_Christian
If you are already on discord and i missed you, let me know your handle! If you arent, you might consider taking a peak and seeing what going on. DallasMakerspace
Im working on some cool features for the bot we have running as well.