Upcoming Slab Mill Training?

I have to bail on the 27th, so there is now an opening.


Iā€™m also looking to take the slab mill class, but canā€™t do Saturdays and just had to cancel on the 27th for personal reasons :frowning:
Will there be another class anytime soon?

Yes there will be more classes coming up in Augustā€¦

Thatā€™s great, Iā€™ll be keeping an eye out for it!

Are there more classes coming up? I only see the one for cutting boards on the calendar for now. Iā€™m working on a live edge desk and would like to use the slab mill on it if I can.

The class teach both cutting boards and slab

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There is one spot open in tonightā€™s classā€¦

Iā€™m sorry, I didnā€™t see this message until now but I couldnā€™t make it last night. Do you happen to know when the next one might be?

Hi ,
Would like to take training for slab mill class. I see there is one next week but is full. Can any one be able to post a training for slab mill .


I add another class for feb 20th at 6:30 pmā€¦ it should be up on the evens page by Monday. Please keep an eye for the class as you can see they fill up Quickly

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The class is up