Just to let everyone know what is in the works at the moment but hasn’t been documented. These are the following improvements that several of our makers are working on to bring to the space.
Current backlog projects
Further support for Serverless applications (ie alexa skills, google home actions, AWS Lambda like functions) on the community grid.
Better tools for Science - Hadoop Cluster, Time Serial Databases, Elastic Search Clusters, and physic engines.
Smart Space - a smarthome driven AI system for the makerspace.
Self healing / reporting of tools and equipment through out different committees.
Smart kiosks - Wall mounted terminals to find classes, events, rooms, tools, and committee details. Along with able to access resources around the space all.
Wall mounted info display for helpline - The help line app is in alpha and we’re wanting to getting as a touch screen for the wall. This way members can interactively post and accept help requests. This also would tie into talk and discord so members can see jobs and urgent posts along with the weather from our weather station.
Annual CTF - Capture the flag, jeopardy style running FB-CTF with prizes and bughunts
Stretch goal projects
FPGA based pc kits - Ever wanted one’s own cyberdeck? sure you have and now there’s’ a kit for that. And its for STEM too!
Automated drone helper - A drone that can help direct members through out the space.
Youtube Channel - Video lectures, tutorials, and live streams of coding sessions all to educate and enlighten
CUBESat Launch - A dedicated geosynchronous Satellite for communication with CCC’s Chaosnet and interstellar astronomy
Dedicated Hacking lab - Don’t’ get too excited you skiddies this is a air gap lab for pushing the limits of technology.
Have a project we missed, posted about it below.
If your wanting to help out then feel free to join in on the Development Discussion at the next VCC Committee meeting.