I have scheduled another Metaza class. It will be held on Saturday, August 26th at 10:00 PM ~ immediately following John’s Vinyl Cutter & Button Maker class. It should show up on the calendar in about 36 hours.
The next class will be on the 26th. I’m guessing it will show up on the calendar this evening. It’s scheduled to immediately follow John’s class that evening.
Because apparently I have time on my hands…
.3mm=.0118 inches, or ~.012. (@ 25.4mm/inch)
This would be called “12mil”, but is apparently not readily available/sold for copper sheet.
Instead, the nearest choices generally available are 10mil @ .010", aka 8oz.aka 30 gauge or 16mil @ .016" aka 26 gauge aka 12oz.
Citing my references:
curious what you have. Sure you have MUUUCH more experience than I with copper, so just curious…