There are two seats available in Monday’s Arduino: Sensors for Fun and Non-Profit! class still available.
Arduino: Blynk into the Internet of Things! will be on March 27.
My Arduino-ish classes are designed to guide those with no electronics or programming experience through fun exercises that can be recreated later at home. Extra sensors and exercises are available so those with more experience can find new challenges. All parts furnished - you only need to bring a laptop. The class on the 19th uses Arduino Nanos. The others use the Wemos D1 Minis which includes WiFI on-board and is Arduino IDE compatible.
Arduino: Monitoring Your Home with ThingSpeak! will be coming up in a few weeks. ThingSpeak is an IoT platform that is free for hobby use and provides the opportunity to archive and plot temperatures or any other measurable attributes like the following temperatures I did recently.