United we stand, divided we fall - DMS Will Succeed with Respect

We must remember how much we love what this place is and represents.
Many people care deeply for this place.
I am among them.

As we continue to grow there will be many ideas of how things should happen. Many different leaders step up and work toward goals as we have had in the past. But keep in mind respect. Respect for what this place offers and what this place represents. Every year the board changes and every year there may be different directions that the new people want to take Dallas Makerspace. Just because we may disagree with something doesn’t mean we have to loose respect for those that currently have the reins and are actively participating at the space. By not showing respect, we disrespect not only those active people but we disrespect the entire system and Dallas Makerspace. We shouldn’t try and tare down other people just because they are now the ones making decisions that they think is best for Dallas Makerspace. You should have way too much respect for what we have to do that. If you don’t have that respect then please go find somewhere else to be. We need harmony not conflict or people vying for power they once had.

I understand that it is hard to see what you built being changed by those that have come after you. But that is the way things work at Dallas Makerspace. You are free to disagree with a decision and express what you think is best but you are not free to tare people down or those in power down through your disagreement. You only cause drama and make life harder for everyone. Please have the decency to stop for a moment and look at what you are doing in the larger picture by your actions. You are making people loose respect in not just those in power but Dallas Makerspace itself.

I for one am tired of arguing and being defensive. I don’t think arguing has helped Dallas Makerspace as a whole. There is a time to look past these small things and look to where we want to go and become.
I want to focus on this from now on and I think we all should think about how great a place we have and are becoming.

I would like everyone to see this post … but here are a few people that I will call out to …



If you disagree then leave? That’s your idea of unification? I think I’ll pass.

I think you misread … I didn’t say that at all … I said if you don’t have respect, please leave and that you are free to disagree and express that

Not sure how it is tearing people down by disagreeing with their ideas. We are where we are because we disagreed and worked through it, for what is best for DMS. Not what’s for the best of the officer or member.

Some people pointed out that the workshop is getting cluttered and frankly dangerous. Now I agree it could have been handled much better but they tore down the messenger, not the condition of the workshop.


As long as you hold respect, I don’t have a problem with people disagreeing. That is completely, healthy. People have many ideas and it is great. However, at some point a decision is made. Now someone may disagree with the decision and that is fine but going on about it is not helpful. Respect the decision even if you disagree. All too often, there is no respect and they hammer on with expressing other ideas and cause descent to the person or group that made the decision.
This is not helpful to DMS nor should be something we promote.


You’re equating dissent to disrespect. Like dissent is a bad thing or an unhealthy thing. Is that your intention?

When I say dissent, what I mean is promoting the idea that just because you disagree with an idea, that the person that made the decision is not worthy or other ideas that they put up are also bad. It is generalization on the person or group. “They are all bad because they make decisions I do not like” Even if many decisions they make are fine. It is a question of focus.

It degrades the respect people have for the person and position and us as a whole because we elected them.

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Dissent can mean opposition to an individual or a group. It still sounds like you’re discouraging dissent.

I think that what is missing in this discussion is that “respect is a two way street”. Too many people believe that respect is only required from the bottom up. That is a dangerous attitude in an organization that can remove top management.

Most people can accept a decision that doesn’t go their way if they feel they have had a fair hearing before the decision is made.

Russell Ward




I’m not discouraging people from having different ideas and want different things. That is good to have different ideas. We need creative people to come up with different solutions. What I am saying is that once that decision has been made, that we should accept it and move forward instead of grumbling and continuing to hammer away at the decision or worse at the person or group that made it.

Yes, there are many leaders here that could do more to promote that respect. There have been leaders have not been as respectful as they could have been or could be.

I’m talking about when power is vested in someone and they make a decision. Many times around here that decision continues to be questioned to the degree that it tares down in some people the credibility of not just the person but the space…

The credibility of the space is more damaged by people that make decisions without sufficient regard for the members. Ignoring member complaints is disrespectful of the members.

Russell Ward


Reminds me of recent Sunday comics:

Everyone havin’ fun yet?
Had enough fun here, start a new thread on “Doacracy versus Dictatorship”
The “joy” just never ends.

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Thanks for spelling it out. That’s what I was getting at. Your goal isn’t to discourage dissent but rather it’s to discourage dissent. Agree to disagree?

You left out a critical word.


It is. I think the people elected should listen to all of the members as best they can. The majority may not be on talk or be outwardly vocal about an issue or hell, even know about an issue. However, there are a few that are vocal. Do these few get special treatment? Perhaps, some decisions are made by assessing more than the outwardly vocal.

Perhaps. This is where it is best if you “show your work”. Inform the membership of the efforts in assessing the support for your decision. If you have broad based support the problem is resolved. Without broad based support the problem is just starting.

Russell Ward


Yes I did … thank you for correcting me. It does need to be Justly made. That doesn’t mean beat to death in every possible way because you disagree with it. It means that it is by the rules, bylaws and fairly.

Good luck Draco,

It is hard to get out of the loop of being defensive when you are arguing against logic with emotion. You are paddling harder than even Kris is in defending her unilateral move to move TALK to a private forum. Maybe, it is time you just relax and let her take the lead.

Hope you can pull off of talk for at least the weekend, I’m sure it will do you some good as it seems you have been scanning and posting constantly since the event.

Happy weekend everyone.

Not ONE current (or probably any ever) BoD member ran on taking DMS in a “different direction”. If they had, you can bet the would have had the crap voir dire-d out of them.


Having just re-read through them almost all of them ran on some sort of “transparency” bullet point…hmmm.