Turning for Cosplay Classes are up

I have setup 3 woodturning classes for cosplay props and they are live now! 2 wandmaking classes and a vampire stake or belaying pin class.

July 8, 9am- Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar
July 18th, 7pm- Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar

Stake or belaying pin:
July, Friday the 13th (see what I did there), 7pm- Events |Dallas Makerspace Calendar

You can make one of these!


The worst, sooooooo ooo early. That’s how you lose a finger

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hahaha, Unless you’re a morning person. It’s very rare that I sleep past 7am these days.


That’s the one I signed up for! It’s weird, the older I get the less I mind waking up early. DMS has a creepy after the rapture vibe that early. So quiet.


So true, the one exception so far is 3D printing. No matter how early i come in, they’re all full. One of these days though…

2-430am is pretty empty

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If anyone is still considering the stake or belaying pin class, here’s the blanks we have to choose from. Several slots are still open!

If anyone is on the fence about this class, DO IT!

I had a blast making a wand from Katalox last weekend. It’s easily the prettiest thing I’ve made out of wood.


Might want to look at bullet 3 under techniques for the class description of this :laughing:

The jig is up! They’re onto you @Lordrook!

Good catch Nate! That’s what I get for copying and pasting. I’ve fixed it :slight_smile:

At least you plagiarized yourself

There’s still 2 spots open for tomorrow nights wand making class :slight_smile:


Maybe 3 cus of some bs :rage:

awww, thats no fun :frowning:

I’ll try and let you know asap tomorrow so I’m not tying up a blank