Tshirt Screen Print Training

His post was not entitled by any stretch of the imagination. I took a tour of the facility recently and by my posting, obviously found enough value in the space to join, however I will absolutely back Mike up as I had a similar experience during the tour. At nearly every work area during the tour, the guide made it sound as though it were very difficult to get certified there due to a lack of teachers or classes or things not working. That’s a real issue you should really focus on instead of getting defensive and suggesting people go elsewhere, especially when Mike offered to be a part of the solution.

I also plan to contribute and be part of the solution and get training in things that aren’t my primary interest so that I can then become a teacher and continue spreading knowledge so that others may join and flourish. I’m pretty sure one of the founding rules of the Maker Space is to be excellent to each other, so let’s do that and create a better space for everyone.

Ok, great, as you know this is a volunteer run community.


I can certainly sympathize with that aspect of the situation. It’s a lot of moving pieces

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