Trivium Academy school visit - Open House 2018

Fair warning.

I’m helping, Trivium Charter School with their Makerspace. This is the same school that @mreynolds made plaques for. These plaques are prominently displayed in their main hall.

The have about $125000 worth of equipment ranging from dye sub equipment, 3d printers, vinyl cutter and cad-cam software as well as robotic (Mindstorm) equipment and they have little expertise to get it all up and running. I’m going to help them with this.

So why the fair warning? Well, I told them about our open house and they are going to invite their entire student body, and their parents to the open house. That is 650 students, , up to the eighth grade, plus parents. They are going to highly encourage them to go because I told them all about the different things that will be going on during the open house and the school management wants to familiarize their student body with the concept of a Makerspace and the many things you could do at one.

These are some bright children and they have three hours a week to participate in genius hour where they get to create on their own. Trivium management would love their Makerspace to play a key role in this endeavor. I believe that once their parents see the possibilities many of them will be very interested in joining DMS.

Unfortunately, I have a previous engagement in Fort Worth attending a function, where I’m on the board of directors, so I will not be able to attend the Open House until possibly late afternoon or evening.


Awesome, love promoting the makerspace idea.

Do you mean Trivium Academy in Carrollton? If so I would be in for helping with setup.

Colonel Dan, what have you done?? LOL.

So from this one school we could see 1,000+ visitors.

And you have a previous commitment??? Seems fair…


Cool. I do indeed mean the Trivium academy in Carrollton. On Hebron just west of Marsh Ridge.

Yeah, I know. If I weren’t on the BOD for my other commitment I would pick to skip their event for DMS. I don’t know if 1000 people will show, but the management told me that they were going to promote DMS all week.

Just FYI, this was tagged on a post from last year and the date and time in the details is not accurate for this years open house; which is Oct 6th, from 10-6.

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@Team_PR Can someone with more knowledge make a new topic similar to this with the new details?

Thank you. I just searched for Oct Open House and this thread came up. I didn’t look closely enough to see the incorrect date. I appreciate the heads up.

Can someone move it to the correct thread please? (plus all the responses of course) @John_Marlow

No problem! I just didn’t want anyone to show up Sunday and wonder why there’s no open house. I have the same issue when searching, it doesn’t default to the most recent.

@coloneldan Dan, Can you please have them contact me and/or @mreynolds? Kids are welcome, but they will need parents\guardians. We will not have a enough guides for a real tour for them, but the Space should be safe for them to explore.

Prob we will need to have printed maps and self-guided tour. Which is a good idea regardless.


I’ll email them and let them know of your request. I don’t think there is any way that all of them will show, but I hope that quite a few of them will.

I told them that kids need to be accompanied by a parent and that everyone must sign a liability waiver. I also told them about Thursday tour night. I also volunteered to take some of them on a personal tour should they not be able to make Open House or Thursday nights.

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Please make sure they are arriving October 6th, not October 7th.

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Sorry, just saw this. I created a new thread to keep everything organized.

I had at least 4 families from TAG tour with me.