Transfer Punches

Do we have a set of transfer punches that include 1/4" ?

I have a front panel I need to make matching holes for in the case to which it will be attached.


We have two (at least) sets of transfer punches. They are on the steel table by the HAAS.


Shallow panels dont work well with transfer punches, since the point of the punch projects enough to keep the round part from seating in the guide hole properly.

I’ve seen devices that have threads on the outside. Those can be held in panels with nuts on either side.

Do we have those ? If so, what are they called and where might I find them ?

I have a few of those, what thread size are you looking for?

The holes are sized for 1/4-20.

I believe I have a set of those.

The panel is 3mm think. That present a problem ?

Also - what are those called ?

Not sure when I’ll be to the space, although this weekend is likely.

Transfer screws. If I can find mine, I will leave them in my storage box tonight.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Found it, put it in my car so I don’t forget.