Track time for everyone!

Want some real track time with your car? Open to practically any road legal car (no roll over prone SUVs or trucks). I ran this entire series last year and it was a blast. Cheap too!


Thanks Adam!

If I ever find the time to install the blower on my “other car” track time for recreation would be great.

Have you ever driven at Harris Hills in San Marcos?

I skimmed over the site and will read it later this weekend.

I’ve not run Harris Hill, but know some people who have. You really don’t have to have anything special car-wise for this. There was even a guy who ran his Tesla last year (it had issues though, so I won’t recommend doing that) I remember a guy running an Accord (he did have sticky tires tho). No roll cage required, SA or M Snell 2005 or later helmet, passing with wave-by only.

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I’ve been around that track several times - the folks that built it are good folks, they used to have a lemons car as well.

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