Track Saw 1 on 1

Will there be any on around today or tomorrow who can show me how to use the track saw?

Festool makes some of the best manufacturer instructional videos out there. This one may help you in the meantime:

Thank you!

I should clarify though. I know how to use a track saw, but I was told I cant use the one at the maker space unless someone teaches me how

You’re welcome. Unless something has changed that I am not aware of (@swa? @TSki?), the track saw does not require any training. That said, it never hurts to have someone with a bit of recent hands-on experience there for a little help.

It has changed bit since the small Festool equipment being inadvertently abused. We will formalize this shortly, but we are asking new people to go through the gear with an experienced user. Too many knobs and do-dads to twist and adjust.

Our current track saw is at its end of life, but until we formalize the new checkout process we are holding out on replacing it.

Many of the projects people make are really not possible without these tools, but the tools are not meant for casual users without a bit of training.

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