Toolbox? and other chars

Is that a toolbox I see in the corner of the shop?

Yeah, it’s the Husky from automotive, all yours

Yes. Forgot to notify you! Got this last night on the way out.

I’ll be at the space tomorrow and transfer things out of the beige cabinet.

I’d say any committee that wants it can have it after we empty it.

@ TLAR Thanks to Automotive!

“It”, meaning the beige cabinet??

Joe was working on it last night when I was leaving at 9. Many thanks to them.


It being the cabinet with stuff to empty into the other it which is empty. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Damn cats have to paw at everything.

Which beige cabinet? The index card file?

No, the cabinet near the red roll-around that now holdS all the inspection tools.

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The common technical name for this color I believe is putty sans grease.

Thank you to @TLAR and automotive for letting us have it. It will be a great place to store and sort our measurement tools. I’m looking to be there Friday Eve.

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I’d rather see it get re-purposed and re-loved than become dumpster fodder. I cannot make it Friday - I’ve been roped into a artist’s function…