Tool format provided by the board

So, forgive me but what’s the “tool format provided by the board”?
Is that the wiki or something else?

Seen here: Rules and Policies - Dallas Makerspace
Maintain an accurate inventory of all Tools in the format provided by the Board.


I’m going to speculate (only marginally encumbered by fact) that the “format provided by the Board” is whatever format our accounting requires at that point in time. It tends to include stuff like how much did it cost, when was it put into service, and (edit) how long is it expected to be usable (yrs/mo).

I have seen the current inventory, and IMO the format needs improving. It’s structured around the IRS regs, which seems like a good start, but it doesn’t provide enough information to identify which committee owns the asset or where it is located.

I have given that feedback to both Kris and the accounting firm.

Not that my one cent worth matters …


It matters in your project pictures…


LOLOLOL!! Good one!! :rofl: