Tonight’s wooden safety razor class

Thanks to those that came out to tonight’s safety razor turning class! Even short a lathe we got out on time, and everyone’s razors looked fantastic. One student even ran over to the laser and got his dads name lasered on. There’s still 2 openings to Sunday’s acrylic safety razor so go sign up!


@AlexRhodes in a class he’s not teaching? Alex making something??? Holy smokes!


What kit are you using for the razors? Those are very nice.

Thanks, I’ve made probably 20 in the last year from various manufacturers and those are the best ones I’ve found. You can get them here- Classic Safety Razor Kit - Chrome – Craft Supplies USA

Edit- Also, if you like trying out different razor heads they are compatible with the Maggard’s Razors brand heads. So if you prefer an open comb, or slant, you can just pop one in and go. Maggard Razors Customizable Three Head Bundle

Thanks. I might have to turn a couple of those for my brothers.

greatness! :slight_smile: You have made a lot of great things, it’s cool to see your wood turning knowledge!

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You should take the 101 class and join us for some projects!