To the guy that let me go ahead of him at the laser cutter tonight

I want to thank you and apologize for taking so long.
A guy was there with his son and let me go first on the cutter, I didn’t think my cut would take so long. it took 35 minutes once I pressed go. You seemed to have some interest in making a map similar to what I was making. If you are please contact me I would be more than happy to help make the digital file of a map you need.

Again I really appreciate you letting me go, and im sorry for my piece taking so long.


Not a problem at all. I hope your city scape turned out well. Regards Greg K.

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It turned out great.

Hey I looked up and found a larger data set than just the local stuff.

The TIGER list at the bottom has the most detailed stuff.

Post pictures… otherwise you’re just bragging :grin:

The picture its 8x10 cut out the lake and stained it blue/gray behind.