The worktable area is representative of DMS members in a lot of ways. Some leave a mess for others to clean up. Some don’t leave a mess. Some don’t leave a mess, and also clean up some of other people’s messes. I was feeling pretty good about occasionally joining the last category…until i was leaving and came across another type of member who cleans up their mess, other messes, and strips the glue and whatnot off the table in order to paint the tops. That’s my new goal, to help like Kris does. Except for the part about serving on the Board, or as President of the Board. Not that part. Thanks Kris.
Staged propaganda pic.
Ha! I have a mop with your name on it Blevins!
I confess to being one of Kris’s biggest fans. I will be happy to duplicate this pic with anyone working as hard on the work table cleanup. :-)