I have a fabrication project that is going to require some aluminum TIG welding. I’m experienced with doing the welds although I still get my tungsten boogered up so I need some practice and I wonder if someone wouldn’t mind watching me to give me pointers and that I can watch them to become more efficient. I’ve got my own consumables and torch/gear/hood. TIG welders are a rare breed and the makerspace is awesome, I just don’t know anyone yet and don’t want to bother someone while they’re focused on their own stuff. So if anybody has plans to be up there around a certain day and time that is approachable I’d be glad to meet ya. My advance appreciation to you.
Best regards,
I’d love to as soon as the pandemic is over. I can’t get close enough to you to see what’s going on without putting us at more risk.
If you want to try putting a camera in a spare helmet and record some I can give you some tips from that.
Good idea thanks I know we will all be glad to put this pandemic behind us
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