Thunder Laser Ventilation Concern

Luke Holson raised a concern about fumes back venting through the Zing and possible carbon monoxide production.

I’ve gone ahead and tagged the thunder laser as out of service and to check out this talk thread.

Temporary countermeasure might be to run Zing ventilation at the same time. I personally believe that you could safely cut with the ventilation system in place, but I wanted to raise the concern since it’s safety related. Not sure what the proposed permanent countermeasure would be.


@Team_Laser 12345678

From laser committee:

The laser exhaust system was adjusted last night so that the lasers share one blower. This means they share ducting on the inlet side rather than the outlet side which was causing the concern on backdrafting. Doesn’t change any procedure for laser users.


So is the Zing good to go?

Yes. Enjoy! 12345678

smells a lot better too!

Some people are not seeing the switch and forgetting to turn it on. maybe it needs a blinky light, or maybe the swtich could extend past the opening so when the door opens, the switch must be on to open? not sure.

The Zing’s laser won’t fire if the switch is “off”. This allows for testing the path without incurring a charge.