This would be neat for us

A bookstore in Oak Cliff posted this

It would be neat to do this now and to later have future plans included


You mean make a model of us like this?

It is very, very cool.


Very cool indeed, thanks for posting. It’s not cheap though and looks like plans are not priced for a one-shot approach.

We have a 360 camera, we have virtual reality setup. We should be able to do something like this in-house surely?


Do I hear a volunteer? :wink:


You just said the V word, tag you’re it!!


Haha in all seriousness, there are a couple of skills needed to accomplish this which I lack.

3D modeling, to turn the DMS floorplan into a model we can put textures on.
Aaaaand all the web things.

The web things are my biggest road block. I’ve done a little bit of modeling, and a floorplan is about as easy as that gets, but to even start that project I would need to know what kind of files I need to create to share via a website.

Taking 360 pics is the easy part.

Edit: that being said, if someone is willing to do the web part I’d help out with the project

might be some x-over with this project…

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Floor plan for current space is measured down to 1/8" precision except for the warehouse which still needs doing cause I fudged up the measurements. Big thank you to @agvet for the help! I made all the files in Blender but agvet showed they were convertible into Sketchup.

I’d be happy to finish measuring the warehouse and making the floorplan of it in Blender if this work will go to use. I can’t put any more time into this project beyond that.

A DMS interactive camera experience like the book store’s would be very cool!


Would using Fusion 360 be good?

I’ll take a look at how we can display the model in a webpage


It’s no sweat to export the Blender models as textureless/uncolored STL objects which can then be imported into Fusion 360. I would not be surprised if there’s a better way of doing it too.

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We can remeasure the warehouse some day (or rather, complete our measurements) if you want. I’ve more time now and I’ve found my laser measurer as well since the first go round. Not sure how well it’ll work but we can always compare it against knowns.