I am not going to mention names but there are a few people who don’t seem to pay attention to the queue or rather don’t care about it.
This afternoon there were 2 people in the queue and someone walked in and just started a print without asking if any one was waiting, That same person, when his print was done, STARTED ANOTHER while one of the same people on the queue was still waiting to use a printer. This is unacceptable behavior.
If there is a wait put your name on the queue, you will get to use a printer when it is your turn.
after you finish your print NO MATTER HOW SMALL let the next person in line have the printer, and if you have more to print add you name top the bottom of the queue list.
This is not the way to handle it. The person in question, who is presumably who you are trying to communicate this to, may not even read Talk forums.
A parable from a leadership class I once had:
A Manager had the same one or two employee always come in late on Mondays. He knows who they are because he sees them come in from his office, and their time cards are stamped. The other employees know who they are because…employees. The Manager sends out a memo: “It has come to my attention that some of you are coming in late sometimes. Please refrain form this activity”. One of the two perennially tardy employees scratches her head and thinks “hmmmm…he didn’t mention me specifically, he must not mean me”. The other one smiles his sneaky smile and thinks “my chicken-shit manager is too chicken-shit to confront me…I’ll just keep doing it”. The other employees seeing that the bad behavior goes unaddressed, other than by meaningless memo, when everyone knows who the tardy employees are and everyone knows the manager knows who the tardy employees are, decide “wtf, I’ll just come in late too since there are no consequences for bad behavior and my manager is to chicken-shit to confront us.” So more and more employees came in late, and later, and more and more memos are sent out. Etc., etc., etc.
Lesson: if there is a specific problem(s) and the specific person(s) causing the problem(s) is known, just deal with it directly, quickly, and professionally with the person(s). Handling in any other way, including ignoring, just leads to more of the problem, and other problems.
You cant miss the Queue sign in the 3d fab room, its also taught in the 3d printer class all member must take to use the 3d fab printers, The lasers have a Queue as well, the sign is larger than the lasers themselves.
As a new member, I just want to thank you for clarifying procedures. I haven’t printed anything, I haven’t taken the class, but this is helpful in establishing norms for someone who isn’t aware.
Maybe increased/improved signage would help, or, as someone suggested before, some sort of “onboarding” for new members. I generally try to ask members before I use stuff to make sure I’m allowed to use it, or take the training, but some people come in with some prior knowledge and are a bit bold.
If this is just a regular member being inconsiderate, this post is unlikely to be successful. People who disregard norms and the feelings of others are unlikely to respond to a post like this.
Another resource is the Tools listing on the Wiki. While it’s not 100% complete, the various committees have done a pretty good job of listing which tools require training before using. It’s a good starting point, at any rate.
Once again sineage is not the problem there is a Queue sign as big as the printers themselves, and using the queue is covered in the 3D print class everyone has to take, The problem is the people who are aware if it and ignore it, feel it does not apply to them.
Please give them the benefit of the doubt and educate them on the workflow. For one, I didn’t know there was a queue and jumped in front of someone last year which I felt really bad about and haven’t done since. If they do it regularly bitch slap them please file a complaint regarding the member so the issue can be addressed appropriately. Reminders like this once in a while can be helpful too (being productive and professional in threads like this goes a long way).
Anytime someone has to wait to use a printer we should just buy another poly printer, maybe triple or quadruple our current count? A wall of 15 printers would be great, then no more queue issues.
What’s shocking is he suggested doing it and waited for discussion, input, and consensus, as opposed to just doing it, making it a fait accompli, then suggesting doing it.