The Martian - anybody want to see it as a group?

The Martian opens this upcoming weekend. Anyone interested in seeing it together as a big group?

I would suggest the Cinemark 17 at Webb Chapel/635 as the closest theater to the 'space, and have heard really good things about the 3D version.


MAN!! I would love to but I can’t! I spent this month’s “for fun” money on hanging out with my cousins.

Sure what time are you thinking?
Is it an IMAX?

Yes; that’s across the street from where they filmed, “Office Space.”

No IMAX. I’m not seeing it advertised as being show in IMAX anywhere, actually.

AS far as showtimes, any time after 7pm weekdays, or 3pm on the weekend.

Maybe I’m misreading this, but I’m pretty sure I’m not…

I’d be a maybe on this. Honestly will really depend on last minute scheduling.

You realize that Friday is in a completely separate month, right?

To those book readers among us: the book is fantastic so far. I’m about 1/2 through and am loving it.

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But I won’t get payed until the 15th or so.

What about at Alamo Drafthouse? They always do special drinks and they always have good food.


I’m seeing it Thursday at 8pm, at AMC 30 Grapevine if anyone wants to join.