Spent about an hour on 2 occasions trying to get a print, but I was told to use the kiss slicer in the common area which fixed my problem. It is clearly a newer version and I guess the printers are updated to fail on older slicings.
Suggest: delete kiss slicer and put up a sign or update kiss slicer off the lab computer so others aren’t confused.
The 3d fab computer is for octoprint only, which is why it has not been updated. as you mentioned for slicing you use the computers in the common area. its had been this was for the last 3 months DO NOT delete Kisslicer from the 3d fab computer for its used during 3d Basics class
The solution of, make it really frustrating by having a broken version of kiss slicer on the computer is suboptimal as a method for telling people to use other computers. Would suggest something else so others don’t waste 2 hours like I did.
Yeah, once someone told me that it was semi-public knowledge that the slicer was broken, I went a d got the official update on my laptop which worked as well, I just didn’t know.
Is there no longer anything saying do not use this computer for slicing posted on or near the 3d fab one? I know that was also gone over both times I’ve taken the 101 class. It’s unfortunate it took that long for you to find that info though
I’m going to vent here…because I’ve wasted my precious time and filament on this as well in the past.
How hard is it to put up a conspicuous sign in the 3D Fab room letting people know that you can’t use that computer to prep files for printing?!
I’ve even gone to a Committee meeting to communicate my concerns. Still no method of communicating to the DMS members about this concern has been posted. So unless anything changes, people will continue to try and use that workroom PC, thereby wasting their precious time and resources as well.
There is and has been a sign on the computer for months, if you look at the kissslicer icon on the computer it says “Kisslicer USS COMMON ROOM COMPUTERS FOR SLICING”
. Ill be happy to put up a sign, but ti has been on there for months , no one pays any attention to it
I was just following what I learned in class, log in, hit the windiws key and type kiss and hit enter. If there is something written there, I haven’t seen it. Laser does a good job with their white board. Honestly, if there is a sign, I’ve not seen it, I’m sure a ux expert would find this thread interesting if there is already a sign up. Humans can be so weird, and I’m usually really good about noticing little things, but I accept my imperfection in this.
It’s all about the wording. It’s one thing to say use the computers in the common room for slicing. It’s quite another to have a discrete sign in the 3D-Fab room on the PC that should read something along the lines of “if you try to use this PC to slice and send jobs to any machines, you are going to end up wasting both your time and your assets. One message is passive, the other lets people know that “ hey, the slicing software on this PC doesn’t work so don’t try it. “.
Why is it needed for teaching if it’s not to be used? It appears (to my uninformed eye) like teaching something which then cannot be used is a folly easily replaced by the exact procedure members are expected to employ…
It can be used, just not in the 3dfab is my understanding. It is so the software can be taught in 3dfab to be used in the common room. That is my understanding.
So we’re teaching students to use software in a place we shouldn’t be using it?
That is my understanding, too.
This makes no sense.
Teach them to use the software in situ. Use the same process, locations, etc. that we are expected to follow. This works much better than “don’t do this, but do it like this…”
I obviously must be misunderstanding something…