In case you didn’t realize, all the jute is now Up For Grabs. However, it will all be moving out of Purple today. Some is on the Freebie Shelf already.
Please! Help yourself!
In case you didn’t realize, all the jute is now Up For Grabs. However, it will all be moving out of Purple today. Some is on the Freebie Shelf already.
Please! Help yourself!
How many are actually left? I’m curious to see how many for the next time. Maybe two truck beds full is too much.
Thanks for all that you did Beth to help!
From when I last looked, still a good 30-40 spools left over. We went way over the 70 that was originally planned
Did everyone that reserved pick theirs up?
Last I heard, the final person was picking theirs up yesterday. Will check later onsite, but yes
Please do, I’m curious as to how many people actually took because I know a few people took two or three more rolls than they originally requested.
Which is fine, that was one of the two main reasons we were after two truck bed fulls.
We have just over 70 left.
That many?!
Damn, lol
I’ll pick up a roll or two this weekend when I’m there.
Took about 13 rolls (it’s all I could fit in my car with my work supplies in the car as well). Most of what I took will be going to Pegasus Creative Reuse, a new store opening in Oak Cliff in August for second hand crafting goods. If you’re familiar with Thistle Creative Reuse in Denton, same business model. Their website is and their address will be 1300 S Polk St Suite #274, Dallas, TX 75224 for anyone interested (Someone asked me so I promised I would post their address on talk as soon as I got it).
Many rolls have been moved to the Freebie Shelf, so look there.