The Haas CNC Mill class (Part 1) says its registration is closed

How can I be notified when the next such class opens?

Or is there another way to learn enough to use the Haas CNC Mill?


@jstaud is this really full?
looks to me like the cancellation window (1/23) is what has caused the problem. Once you hit the window the calendar doesn’t allow new registrations. I don’t think enough time was allowed for registration which is why I schedule a month out.

well - HAAS does allow private classes at $500/day. Eastfield college does offer a class if there is enough students signed up for it. Richland has a haas that no one has ever used from the sounds of it. if you can find someone to rent you time on one, it will probably be $200/hour although they may not like you learning and making mistakes on their ticket.

Just be patient. people had to wait 6+ months while we rolled out the new classes. James is just coming online to teach, and I offer it every month. You just missed my January classes.


Those other options seem very expensive. I’ll just wait until the next class opens then sign up.

Thanks for all that info.


Yeah I accidentally set the cancellation window to the 23rd. I’m trying to change it.

@bmihura The registration is open. Go ahead and sign up for the event listed on Friday. (Ignore the date and time of the Friday event, just attend Thursday’s event.)