The DMS Holiday tree

I know it is early but it seems I am in charge of our winter holiday tree for this year

First I need input on the tree itself. I am sure I can find an artificial tree to borrow. but
do we want a traditional type tree? I have seen ones made of wood and dowels that shewed off ornament well
and I have seen other non traditional trees that would e more makerly Is anyone interested in making one for us?

Any more makerspace ways to light a tree than commercial lights? Ideas? volunteers?

Now ornaments should be fun, I would love to have a lot of hand made ornaments of all types
from our members From fabric to wood to metal and everything that folks can think of
I would like fo the makers to sign and date their ornaments so we can look back on them in future

If someone makes a tree I would like it to be able to be taken apart and stored I would love to see
this become a tradition that we do every year

Any one interested? Any questions?

If we have one could we put some of the Minecraft 3d prints on there?

I vote traditional artificial tree.

Thanks for doing this, it sounds like a fun gathering to do at DMS!


@Committee_Chairs potentially this would be a very fun project to organize within your area.


Don’t mention committee areas, the wound is still so very fresh.
Just kidding, I am super excited for the tree and to see what all we come up with. My favorite ornament is still the one I won at the DMS Christmas Party probably 5 years ago. John Haskens made a Christmas candy from 1 inch bar stock. It pulls the whole tree down when you hang it. So LOVE the craziness of it.


I honestly don’t get what’s happening with committee areas. I haven’t been around much. Sorry to touch a scab and or open wound with salt.

If anyone has an idea for the Common Room / Workshop that doesn’t get in the way of workspaces, please let me know! I’m boring when it comes to designing decorations, which is why I love streamers!

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ohhhhhhhh hatchers.

I have a very close relationship with our fire-inspector because I need to with the kilns and my ability to burn my school to the ground with a flick of my wrist. Just chill and all will be well. Respect the process on this one and never piss off the people who can straight up shut a place down. Seriously the responsibility is serious stuff to them - where you see it as overreaching (and it might be I don’t know) isn’t to them it’s simply what they are employed to do - to keep everyone in compliance and safe.
I respect your place and right to pull up riot signs and be upset but I respect chains and padlocks and official notices a bit more. Yup, I just said that. I realize it will raise your feathers but in my opinion just respect the process and see what happens. I’m a total square when it comes to stuff involving city notices printed in red…because I’m 40.


Well the Fire Marshall & staff in Lewisville are exceptional. Worked with them many times on my own building in Old Town and with the fireworks testing/shows.

The fire marshall with jurisdiction over DMS has made a few calls that seem beyond the scope of his authority or able to provide the regulations that apply. I too suggest patience to allow the process to work through but I understand completely how Hatchers feels. Imagine if CA were shut down over some arcane issue with hot glue guns or vacuum pumps, etc.

I know about hot glue guns being an issue. Back in the 80’s my mom’s business got a write up because they had too many glue guns in their production facility. She asked what is the proper amount and were is this rule stated. They stalled for a week while looking for a reason. Only after she threatened to sue them did they discover there is not an issue. Funny how that worked. But of course we had to be on top of any potential other issues they could cite in retaliation. DO NOT piss off a FM! While it’s not right, they can make you wish you complied.

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I was just making a TRIGGERED joke. Was intending to be funny. Maybe if I continue to explain the joke it will roll back around to being funny??? Ahh, Probably not. :smile:

Patience is a skill I forget often, and need to be retaught. Trust me I am preaching patience among the members beating down my doors on the FM subject. It seems the IFC has been updated multiple times with exemptions for personal reloading, there are even clause explaining what to do with codes when they have been found to be unconstitutional, so I’m guessing we are not the first to have to fight this kind of action. I just hope we choose to fight it rather than rolling over to unfounded pressure.

Either way, Super excited for the Tree.


Metal shop already has a Festivus pole, some assembly required. Lol


There are a bunch of ceramic ornaments that are ready to be glazed or painted in fired arts if anyone wants one.


Sorry I obviously went sideways with my comment. I can’t wait for the tree!

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I am so happy that folks are excited aout the tree!

Of course 3 D printed minecraft ornaments would be welcome

My thought for a location for the tree is in the lobby. Not in the way
and we all get a chance to see it Committee areas could have wall trees or
wreaths with ornaments I need to talks to Steve about how to hang stuff in common areas

I do have ideas for other decorations that will not be in the way for other areas. PM me or catch me at the space
if you have ideas or decorations you want to share

A bit of a personal note here, I have always loved decorating for the holiday. I even did things like show up at my vet s office at noon with a tree and decorations for it, Did that a couple of times. I have even put garland on the luggage racks of my car!
This almost stopped for me some years
ago when my mom died on Christmas Eve. I told myself that that this year I would get back to decorating for the holiday

Lets have a lot of fun with this

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I’m pretty sure I’ll be cutting out some ornaments for the tree. Might have to use plastics. Aluminum might work but I’m sure brass will bring the tree down.

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I would suggest a Rotating Tree Stand. it will make we can use the full surface area of the tree. But, we will probably need a pre-lit artificial tree or at least be careful with the lighting as the rotating stands only have 1 plug.

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And we would need to fix the cord so the tree doesnt wrap it around

With the rotation stand as shown, the cord rotates WITH the tree. That’s why Nick said you need to watch the power consumption on the lighting, because it’s limited to just the one plug.
We (extended family and/or myself) have one of these every year. They’re nifty, but you do have to pay attention to lining up the plugs.


Good to know it s been a while since I had a fake tree, I love real ones
but I know they are not suitable for a commercial space

Actually, I have a rotating display stand that includes a power passthrough but is cast iron and weighs 25 lbs. Would need it back as it was very expensive.