The cruel-bus rides again!

Around 2300 last night the cruel-bus and crew left on a journey to the California desert as ambassadors to Texas, letting everyone know how awesome we are.

Took a nap in Amarillo until around 10am, back on the road! Next stop Albuquerque!


Besides awesomeness what will you be doing there?
Hey, if you should pass a pottery supply shop in the Arizona- New Mexico area I would sure love a bag of mica clay! I will pay you back.

We take it to an event called wasteland weekend, camping in the desert for 5 days mad Max style

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That sound awesome, please add pics

Safe journey and fun times.

Does this mean you get to shoot (or be shot) by people? If so I am in next year.

Proud of you guys and the million things you’ve created for this event! Happy one year engagement party.
Stop by meow wolf damnit

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There’s another event in one of the states with more lax gun laws where they set up a shooting range that you can drive a car and do drive by target practice

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There’s a whole lot of empty out here. We’ve been playing infinite 20 questions over the radios to keep ourselves awake


Download this tune, seem appropriate:

got yourself a little spiderbro


Did you get his vote on whether he wanted you to abduct him? :smile:


Nope he’s a new Texan now


The lengths some will go to get out of California…


Me thinks Cruel Bus might protest my driving :crazy_face:

Yep - set snooze control to ~80. Take lots of MIO. :biohazard:

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Top speed is like 60-65 so I don’t think you could slow us down much

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Depends on how good your brakes are, Art likes to tailgate.

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It isn’t tailgating if you pick up a self powered air splitter, well lodged in the grill.


I prefer to think of it as “motivating”.


Have fun - and take no prisoners!