The continued harassment of members from Mark Havens and the Blue Tape Ticket

Yes, that was the triggering incident for the complaint, however a litany of other issues were discussed at the time.


Lol, you’re joking right? Stop feigning ignorance.


Forgive my stupidity at this time but can you expand on that… my memory is starting to fail me

I realize I don’t have the official things in front of me, but here’s what I remember:

Mark was advertising his campaign (for board?? I remember he was running, but I could be wrong) all over the walls. Plus, it was more “they’re bad” instead of “I’m good”. He printed buttons, at least some making fun of his opponents, and put them everywhere, including pinning one to a Star Trek uniform that was being displayed by Max. The uniform was damaged.
Actually, I suppose we do need Erik, because I don’t remember at which point Mark got told to cease and desist. I do remember him acting like it wasn’t a big deal and plotting what he could do to get around that.


He was told to stop many times along his path. After he was told that he damaged an item that another member had on display at the space mark decided to put his own art on display in the form of a baby blanket and star trek baby onesie with a button on it, to call the member with the now damaged costume piece a baby.


I’m glad to hear that some things never change.



IMO Mark likes to play games and even his thread about the whole thing makes that clear. To me, this reads like him effectively saying “I did some stuff to test the banning system”:


I took some detailed notes at that meeting which I have found. I am attaching a PDF extract of the notes which have remained untouched since I recorded them:

BoD 2016-04-24 minutes.pdf (225.1 KB)

Pages 5-7 contain my marginally-structured notes (“Behavior of 2 members”) of what was discussed during the meeting re: Mark’s explusion. I tried to note themes and key facts and who was speaking, but the conversation was tense, fast-moving, and I’m hardly a great typist thus there are typos and some missed attributions.


Zoomed in on those buttons to read them.
OMG that’s horrible behavior!!!
I can’t even. Am so appalled. How can anyone defend that as “community”? Could any campaign be more destructive?


Of note, both members who are pictured on the buttons were not asked if using their image was ok. And in the case of Alex’s picture, Mark was directly asked by Alex to stop using his picture prior to this “artwork”.


Especially coming from a (ahem…:roll_eyes:) ‘Principal Founder’ of DMS.


You’ve got to be kidding! Mark put an opponent’s face on his campaign buttons and wrote an harassing slogan about him??? On top of using members’ identities without their knowledge or consent to establish a non-profit? And now he used a candidate’s identity and reputation on a website without knowledge or consent?

Where does Mark’s behavior stop?
And if he won’t stop and the board won’t stop him, is this forever behavior?


Damn, I didn’t know about 90% of those complaints against Mark.

@talkers and @maxk68

You have both chosen to throw your support behind Mark. Can you elaborate on why you support this behavior from him?

It’s clear he has a long history of malicious behavior and mistreatment of members.

What, in your opinion, makes him the right person to support for a board seat at DMS?

And if he hasn’t crossed the line, where in your opinion, is that line?


I will make this comment on this matter on here just to be clear but I will not spend days arguing it, I agreed to allow mark to add me to a website where all of our voices would be heard, I did not sign up for a party, I only wanted a way outside of Talk to have my voice heard, I do not in any way agree with ANY of the fighting and name calling coming form both sides. I love makerpsace and think its a great idea, and just want all of this to go back like it was before all the fighting, I don’t agree with any of the trash talk, the side taking or the assuming you think one way because of you have been friends with in the past.


Thank you Max. It’s good to hear you do not support the harassment that Mark committed against me and apparently many other members.

Perhaps you should ask that the blue tape website and campaign material be updated to include a message that you don’t support Mark’s harassing behavior. As it stands the site presents you as essentially a running mate with him as the public face of the party.


Why do you want a way outside of talk for your voice to be heard?

Isn’t talk our sole authorized method communication between the members?


Their talking point is that talk is toxic. A quick check of talk today will reveal it’s almost exclusively members helping members. But that’s their talking point.

It may have been true in the past but the current moderators have done a great job of cleaning up the conversation and giving time outs to people that get out of line.
From my point of view it appears they are using the outside channels as a form of unregulated abuse to intimidate members.


What is this “before” you speak of? Mark has been a main instigator of fighting for years.


There’s also the unofficial DMS reddit and the unofficial DMS discord. Both were created to maintain the ability for members to have unfettered chat capability.

The reddit is not moderated by anyone, but maintains a former member as the owner. Predates moving to monetary lane.

The discord was created when the board from last year and the year before decided to move most of talk behind a wall, and then shut down talk completely. I thought the board had too much involvement in the talk moderation and thought we needed a separation of power there. I moderate the discord and only remove hate speech as a moderation rule.