Thanks for cleaning the filters, but please stop leaving a mess in the parking lot.
Very uncool!
Thanks for cleaning the filters, but please stop leaving a mess in the parking lot.
Very uncool!
Man, this is a hard one to bitch about for me.
I’ve done the same many times, but just spread the saw dust out more with the air gun when I was done.
Also, public shaming makes members not want to do things, I hope this doesn’t affect the building culture of cleaning the air filters. I would of handled this less publicly Stan. Not a huge issue, just consider the possible down stream effects. Maybe consider trying to reach out privately on these kinds of things in order to be considerate of some of the goals of the committees being effected.
Maybe you should have reached out to Stan privately too?
I’m not meaning to shame any one member of woodshop, but this is an ongoing problem that is causing our neighbors to grumble.
Valid point as well.
I hope my public concern was received in the light and suggestive manner it was intended. I can’t stand on a pedistool over this issue, like i said in my post, I’ve done this same behavior many times without issue, thanks to the second step of turning the sawdust into a giant cloud in our parking lot.
Anyone one have a faster or easier suggestion beyond sweeping the whole mess up? Because sweeping fine particles on brush finished concrete really sucks. and makes a hard and time consuming process of clearing the dust collection ever worse.
Can we have a thread where we post our neighbor’s grumblings? How do we hear about these grumblings? I complain about my neighbors to the landlord at my complex a mile down the road and nothing ever happens. Even when I go and complain directly to the neighbor, they act as though they never knew there was a problem and no one has contacted them. We have one really bad neighbor that the entire complex has been bitching about for year and 2 neighbors moved because of it. But, they pay their rent and continue to misbehave with no issue.
And include it in the training class of stuff people are supposed to know before they’re allowed to use the wood shop?
Not throwing your trash on the ground should be common sense… Just because sawdust is “natural” and “biodegradable” doesn’t mean that it isn’t trash.
Come on Stan, that is such an over statement. Saw dust is really no worse than dirt. It is messy that is it. Had the member blown it around in a cloud, there would be no leg to stand on here.
I don’t want someone dumping a bucket of dirt on the parking lot either. Doing either is just bad manners and being lazy.
I still haven’t seen the correct procedure posted in this thread, or a link to what the correct procedure is.
Maybe this should be relabeled “Off Topic.”
Even when “filled to the brim” there is a lot of empty space between larger pieces of trash. Sawdust can be poured over the top and will settle down into the gaps.
The Woodshop should document the correct procedure taking dumpster levels into consideration.
Regardless, dumping material into the parking lot is not allowed. If Woodshop doesn’t have a procedure, filters don’t get emptied.
So is the idea blow it on the ground then try and sweep up? Blowing into the dumpster won’t work.
Would vacuuming it up work?
blow it out, vacuum that up with a shop vac, make a ladder, get in the dumpster, dump out the shop vac.
Weld a trailer, pull full dumpster to landfill, empty, haul back to space
I’m thinking, will the air hose reach the dumpster?
Not without an extension air hose.
Will the dumpster fit inside the delivery/dock doors?