Hey all. Just wanted to give a special thank you to @mblatz for prepping all this wood into more usable pieces for other members. It takes time and will to do this! Thanks bro!
Yay Marshall!
Wow! That is some true excellence right there!
That is very awesome!
My pleasure. Once some of the other cracked, split, and otherwise undesirable stuff get’s used/trashed/whatevered, I’ve got a similar amount of black walnut (that’s keeping me from parking in my garage) that can replace it.
Blake walnut you say…
Great job Marshall! Wood turners paradise right there.
Marshall is a stand up guy. There is no reward for him other than the love and appreciation of his fellow members. Ask him what he needs sometime and give back to those who give the most.
Awesome, thanks for all that work. Depending on how things shake out Steve and I are going to blank and wax the pecan Friday evening.
Wow! Nice job! The new turners should be all over that.
Lovely! Post when and if you are going to do anymore do others who want to learn how to prepare blanks can see how you do it. The more that know, the more who can help. Also see me if you have wood to bring in as I’ve taken on the turners shelves.
Blake Walnut was the greatest quarterback in Southeast Middle Connecticut State’s proud history.
I’d be happy to take some of the black walnut off your hands!
@mblatz if you think those blanks you made should be waxed I’ve got plenty of it left and would be glad to do it
No Need…Mulberry is a mostly hairless wood species.
See, I’m 98% sure you’re joking but I know almost nothing about the properties of different trees and 2% of me believes you.
In general, to figure out how much hair a tree might have, and what type of waxing to give, you have to inspect its crotch.
Risky click of the day.
We don’t use Reddit the same way then