Temperance - Intro and some questions

Hi all, I am new to the space and thought I would introduce myself. My name is Temperance and I am ‘Crafty’ :slight_smile:

I knit and crochet mostly, I have started doing some cross stitch as well. Sew as necessary and am addicted to coloring books.

In college (a long time ago) I painted and did pottery but have not had the space or supplies since. I would love to get back into Book Binding but once again equipment and space have been an issue. I have done many different Fiber Arts; Weaving, Dyeing, Basket Weaving etc. And would like to get back into some of them. Essentially, there is little I haven’t tried at some point.

Since I work late and live in Grand Prairie a drop in on the open house day is kinda hard so I have some questions about what resources you have available. Also is there a maker space closer to me (I couldn’t find one).

Sewing and Pottery is mentioned on the Home page but I have been unable to find any information about what resources are available. I am specifically looking for a Serger, Embroidery Machine and Pottery Kiln.

And lastly, due to the distance I am mainly looking for a community. The Forums appear active and have certainly been fun to read. Is this the norm or did I just get lucky on the day I decided to stop by?

Thanks for the opportunity to listen in,


We have all of the items you are looking for.

I recommend that you do a search for each of those items on the forum. In the upper right hand corner of this page you will see a magnifying glass logo, click on that to do a search. You will be able to read all of the posts which mention that item.

Also, do a search on “Creative Arts”. That will bring up many items that I believe you will find interesting.

Also, check out the calendar. Look for meetings you can attend. That will put you in contact with people who can help you with the machines you mentioned (and more).

Please check the schedule, there is a Coptic book binding class coming up soon

There is also a MakerspaceCreativeArts group on Facebook that is great for asking questions and such.

I am also a fairly new member, my primary focus is jewelry but I also do clay work, sewing and some weaving.

I live in Arlington near 360 & Park Row. It is a bit of a drive, timing around traffic is a bit of a challenge BUT we are going North in the evening and traffic is going South - 60mph avg vs less than 30 mph. It usually takes me about 30 - 35 minutes if around 4-6PM, about 5 -10 minutes less coming back.

The MakerSpace has everything you listed, but if it is too much of a drive, have you tried MeetUp? May find something but it will be vastly inferior to DMS. You’d have to join a lot of groups to do the same tasks and equipment availability probably very limited if at all.

Hope you come out - at least come to an Open House on Thursday just to check it out.