Teaching a class ( or 2)


I just joined today, and would be interested in teaching a couple of classes. One is a pen and ink on ceramics, the other is a resin over ceramics. Who would I speak with?


The chair and vice chair, @monikat and @thefinal, are a good start to get a run down on how to handle class supply needs and other general info.


Thank you
I really appreciate it

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@monicat and @thefinal [quote=“Babydragon, post:1, topic:90250, full:true”]

I just joined today, and would be interested in teaching a couple of classes. One is a pen and ink on ceramics, the other is a resin over ceramics. Who would I speak with?

@Monikat and @thefinal , I was told you could give me the rundown?

Hi there. Monika is out for a few weeks, but I can try to assist. Do you have availability tomorrow or Friday? I will be present tomorrow evening and Friday evening but watching someone do kiln load. Happy to chat before or after that though.

Edit: correction, I won’t be there tomorrow before kiln training but anticipate being there in afternoon and am available after kiln training. I forgot I’m attending a class on Wednesday so I can also meet you before that class. What I quoted above for Friday is still correct.

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Friday should be good ( I am currently off on Fridays) also, my hubby and I plan to be at makerspace on Saturday.

Okay, sending you a PM in a moment.

It was great meeting you on Saturday. Now all I need to do is get the class proposals done and scheduled :slight_smile: :smiley: glad you liked the ideas.