The SAMPE Foundation is sponsoring a “Teach the Teacher” Seminar at CAMX 2018 at the Dallas Convention Center. The seminar will be held on Wednesday, October 17. The workshop provides High School Teachers training on how to introduce and instruct students on composite materials and processes. The course is offered free of charge and also includes CAMX conference registration and a one-year SAMPE membership. Additionally, the SAMPE Foundation has limited funds to cover other costs for the attendees (travel, parking, substitute costs, etc…). These funds will be awarded on the basis of the applicant’s need, merit, and time of submission.
#$&*^%$@# Wish this had been posted before a submitted two classes to be taught that day.
@Team_Machine_Shop is there anyone can attend? @Chris_Wischkowsky can you? This would be great in getting ready to expanding Plastics and you spoke about composites at the Machine Shop Meeting.
It would probably be best to sign up on the website so they know you are coming. I am not sure if this seminar will be listed prominently in the CAMX program.
The exhibition is 3 days, October 16-18. Exhibition hall pass are free (or were), if someone can go another day. If they aren’t still free, I should be able to arrange a free pass.
I would be happy to work on a committee expanding into plastics and composites. I have been working with them for quite awhile.
I should have clarified. This part was not just limited to teachers. The CAMX exhibit hall is open to everyone and I can help any Maker that is interested in going with an exhibit hall pass.
CAMX is the “Composite and Advanced Materials” Expo.
“Produced by industry leaders, ACMA and SAMPE, CAMX has established itself as North America’s event that connects and advances the world’s composites and advanced materials communities – the go-to marketplace for products, solutions, networking and advanced industry thinking. CAMX is your gateway to the full spectrum of solutions.”
"The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE®) is a global professional member society, that provides information and updates on the latest advanced materials and processing technologies. Whether through conferences, exhibitions, discussion forums, and publications, SAMPE delivers a range of tools and resources for the advanced materials professional.
“As the only technical society encompassing all fields of endeavor in materials and processes, SAMPE provides a unique and valuable forum for scientists, engineers, and academicians. We unite academia, research institutes, government labs, and industry, providing the most comprehensive and diverse membership for advanced materials.”
Just realized that the IFAI show (Industrial Fabrics Association International, Specialty Fabrics) that is co-located with CAMX might be of more interest to other folks in our community -