Taper on the lathes?

Do the wood lathes use a MT1 or MT2 Morse taper?


They are all MT2 tapers.

The tail stock on the OneWay is a #3 MT.

Wut dis? Lettttttttttters

How many lathes do we have and what brand/model? The wiki just says two Jet mini lathes and the big Powermatic.

Three Jet midi lathes. Model vs1221
One Powermatic model 3520b?
One OneWay model?


Headstock and tailstock have female tapers to insert drives, centers, and/or chucks. Different size lathes have different size tapers.

O, things I knew but didn’t know the technical jargon to strikes again

Thanks. I’ve updated the Jet on the wiki. Powermatic was correct. If someone can either tell me the OneWay model and/or send me a photo, I will add it to the wiki.

Was it donated, loaned, or purchased?

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The OneWay came from Jimmy Arledge. Gift or long term loan. Same with the Laguna bandsaw.



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Thanks mucho, señor. I have added it to the wiki tools list.

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Thank you so much for doing this.

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