Recently bought a vintage midcentury credenza/sideboard thingy with horizontally sliding tambour doors. This one from a store in Maine looks just like it:
and open:
The tambour doors slide into pockets and are hidden. And now one of 'em is stuck. The left one opens about half way and stops. I cannot find any fasteners on the piece to get in there, except the nails that hold the plywood back on. I guess I’m breaking out the cats paw and lightest hammer I have to remove the nails to pull the back off enough to peek in there. … unless someone has a better idea?
Remove the back. Once it is off the tambours should slide all the way out through a slot so you can inspect them and the track. Wax the edges of the tambours before sliding them back in and the should work great once any obstruction is removed.
Wow! Thanks for the idea, Matt. I had made a mini tambour door cabinet and it never occurred to me to make the back removable. Needless to say, it was like assembling a house of cards. I’m sorta piddling around with making V2 so I’ll steal incorporate your idea.
This is a pretty nice video showing how THIS person made theirs… Looks like, as stated, slots “emerge” in the rear, where you can slide the doors in, and then you cover it all up with whatever backing you’re putting on for that…
How did you do this one? Doors fully encaptured once top and bottom were assembled to sides?
Pretty piece…