I have this tall tree that didn’t fit on the bottom shelves but is ready for glazing.
I’m not sure what the protocol is for tall pieces. If it can’t be fired here, please let me know and I’ll try and find someplace else to fire it. It’s about 19 or 20 inches tall
Thank you!
If it fits in our kilns it can be fired here. However, if you are looking for it to be done quickly you may want to look elsewhere.
Large items may take a few kiln before they get in so that we can maximize the number of pieces that we get through the process. It would take an entire side of a kiln for the firing.
Did that go through bisque firing here? I don’t remember seeing it?
It was bisque fired at a studio in Colorado where I was for a few months.
I don’t mind waiting but I wasn’t sure if the kilns here were tall enough for it to fit and what the protocol is for super tall stuff.
Was hoping to have it by Christmas but if it’s not possible or it’s too tall I can research and find a local studio to maybe do it.
That’s going to be tight. The specs for the 1222 say that it’s 22" tall. Given that we’ve got a shelf and some short kiln stilts in the bottom, that’s probably 21" available. So it will just fit. If’ it’s 20", that’s just a 1" gap at the top.