Suggestion to purchase a Hot Air rework station

I used the electronics bench sunday morning to solder some parts while I was waiting for the Amateur Radio committee meeting to start and noticed that the area doesn’t have a hot air rework station.

I would suggest the addition of this tool to one of the soldering stations. They are pretty cheap (at least the chinese ones) now days (~$100-$150) and are very useful for reworking smd components.

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Hakko 470-2 Desoldering Tool.

This hit Craigslist last night

Robert Davidson

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I am not sure, but that Hakko, doesn’t look like the type of rework station I am talking about. It looks like the connection between the box and the handset is ‘electrical’.

The stations I am used to use very hot air (300-400 deg c) to perform the rework. You control the temp and the air flow. I was thinking something like this Example Hot Air Rework station

We are coordinating with Hakko USA to get 4-6 new soldering stations and a couple of desoldering systems. A hot air station has also been discussed as a part of the tools they could outfit us with.

We do have a hot air system somewhere but it keeps getting moved around.

@Robert_Davidson, FYI Rick showed us how to determine genuine Hakko gear from Chinese fakes. The craigslist item is not likely a real unit.