Study: Hydroxychloroquine doesn't prevent Covid-19 infection

Approximately 12% of those given hydroxychloroquine developed Covid-19, compared to 14% who were given the vitamin folate as a placebo. There was no further benefit among patients who chose to take zinc or vitamin C. Nearly 40% of patients on hydroxychloroquine experienced side effects such as nausea, upset stomach, or diarrhea. However, the study did not see a significant increase in disturbances of heart rhythms, or an imbalance of deaths.

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Not the same study, but still plenty of time for another retraction.

lol…thanks for including the trackers in the link :–)

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I would certainly hope if someone puts something out there and it turns out to be wrong or misleading, they’d correct the record. Who’s taking bets?

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Companion story…

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Glad you’ve made up your mind on the subject, even when the drug has proven effects on a similar virus (SARS).

Good thing we’ve got a nice, costly saivor: remdesivir. Stockholders are probably pretty happy about that.

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My mind’s not made up. But I have worked in medical research, and know I trust people with MD and/or PhD after their name more than people who just have ( R) or (D) after theirs.


I don’t know if I trust a MD or PhD anymore than Joe Smith Civilian. So many are acting on what their told. Sometimes that information is not correct or has been marketed well to make people believe. Look at the now defunct Theranos. That company conned so many people into believing in their system. They were not the first nor the last to do it, just one example.

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Same cloth, different cut…
(yes, that IS a broad-stroke paint; some of either of these clubs are great people doing great things…)

I am neither for or against such studies as have been referenced or people forming their opinions about the based either on their individual expertise or political ideology. Stoopid people and all their stoopidity has and always will exist, just like crappy drivers in traffic, and all we can do, metaphorically speaking, is avoid and/or navigate around, and/or pull off to the side of the road and have a few beers and let them get way ahead.

For myself, I’ll just find an individual MD I can trust, ask him/her/it if this drug or that drug or the other drug is indicated, if so get a prescription (my preference is suppository) and work it from there…

I’ll stick to haruspicy for my beliefs.

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