I’ve been running my MK3 for a few weeks now with no issue. PLA+ is a breeze and never has an issue. Still struggling with PETG, Transparent Magenta. I’ve backed off the Live Z 0.25mm, increased extruder temp to 245, multiplier is .92. See attached pic. Any thoughts?
Nice printer, I love my MK2. Live Z most likely isn’t the culprit - you’re getting good borders suggesting the problem isn’t jamming caused by cramped nozzle distance. The thin infill suggests low extrusion so keeping upping the multiplier by 0.1, journal your settings, and run small test prints until you hit the sweet spot for PETG. If you’re setting your multiplier >1.3 it’s prob time to try loosening first, and then tightening your extrusion tension screws. Journal the number of turns for the screws and set them back to where you had it when you go to use PLA again.
I personally love this troubleshooting site with pics.
Let us know what finally solves it.
@NightRanger Thanks for the link. I lowered the MK3 .15mm Optimal Printer infill speed preset from 200mm to 45mm. Marked improvement. The base settings must be for PLA only.
Other current settings are:
Multiplier .92
First layer heat: 250C / 70C
Subsequent Layer Heat: 245C / 70C