Strike 3! Yuuuuur out!

Today is the third occasion, in 3 months, that I have found equipment left out in the Digital media room that should have been put away and locked up after use.
In each case, the lockers were left unlocked and the equipment left out on the table in the room.
These were left out for several days. If I didn’t use the room so frequently I would not have noticed.
So in addition to the lockers left onlocked for several days at a time. Three pieces of valuable equipment were left out unattended for several days at a time.
Those pieces of equipment are:

  1. Occulus Rift (I boxed up and secured the first time)
  2. Samsung Gear 360
  3. Samson USB studio mic
    Again, each item was left out on three separate occasions for three or more days over the last three months.
    As far as I know, nothing has disappeared.
    This is how I found the lockers this morning. Unlocked and open.
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Is there a camera in DM to identify culprits?