I’m a new DMS member and wondering where the Amateur radio station is setup, or where will it be? I see some equipment in @Team_Electronics but no feedlines or gear setup.
73, Jay K5JCJ
I’m a new DMS member and wondering where the Amateur radio station is setup, or where will it be? I see some equipment in @Team_Electronics but no feedlines or gear setup.
73, Jay K5JCJ
Currently planning on putting “ham shack” the Elab in the corner nxt to the sprinkler closet by the window.
We’re a ways off from putting in conduit to the roof w/ NEMA boxes on both ends.
Electrical dress out in 102 areas needs to happen first.
I’m happy to help assemble everything once the infrastructure is in place. I can even donate some antennas and equipment to the cause.
Plans are to add two 4 inch diameter conduit pipes thru the roof with NEMA boxes on both ends. This will allow us to add more cables, coax, and control lines as needed without punching more holes in the roof. We have the NEMA boxes, just need to add the lightning arrestors, type N coax feedthrus, and other items. Just need the volunteers to put it all together.
I’m happy to come by and help with assembly anytime. Is there a particular desk that will be used in the spot for the station that I could start putting together?
Check with @artg_dms. He is the one with the plan for the furniture.
I came to DMS today and ran a coax line to outside through the same hole that’s being used for the long wire currently run to outside. All we need to do is hook up and antenna outside then we can TX.
Is there a lightning arrestor in line somewhere?
There is another thread in progress with the current plans, execution requirements, etc.
This includes NEMA boxes, lightning control, grounding, and control lines.
No arrestor in line at the moment, keeping it unhooked unless someone wants to hook it up during fair weather. Temporary until the roof runs are in place.
I chatted a bit at the space yesterday with @HugoSmooth ( I think - hope I got the right talk name ).
I suggested an end fed 40m dipole as a potential temporary antenna until we can get the conduits in place.
We might need a ground rod somewhere near where you ran the coax out. We could add the suppressor right outside the wall if a rod was installed.
The balun and the lightning suppressor could go in the same box on the outside of the building. One wire, cut to a half wave on 40 run up and across in the trees.
We’ll need to know where all the underground plumbing is before we install the ground. Driving a ground rod thru the pipe that feeds the fire sprinklers would be a Bad Thing… ( As in expensive, time consuming, and the building is closed until it’s fixed kind of Bad Thing… ) Please proceed with caution.
The cores are Mouser 623-5943003801.
I’d share a link, but Mouser’s web page won’t accept the link without all the tracking info they tack onto the end.
$4.55 in singles. $4.21 at quantity 10.
I’ve got to turn my focus to more mundane things in the coming months but still committed to the Antenna Work Party Day.