SQL and Database Design Class

Hi All, I’m thinking of teaching a class on SQL and Database design on a weekday evening. I figure the class would run around 2 hours. This will be a free class open to all, the only restriction is that the group fits into the classroom.

This will be a hands on class and will use SQL Server. You don’t need to know how to program for this class, all we will use will be SQL and Excel for visualization.

I’ve posted slides on my GitHub account at: GitHub - sktxdev/SQLTutorial: SQL Tutorial

The pptx is still a work in progress, I’ll also post a bunch of scripts here that will help in getting more out of the class.

If the interest is high, I’ll run the class.

Important points… the class is free. I would prefer to do the class as a stipend one, so the software dev group makes money from it for licenses etc., and also I’lll turn back the stipend i would get back to the software group.

I’ve been in the industry for 30 years… its time to give back :slight_smile:



Yes, please.

Wednesday or Sunday. (I know Sunday is not a weekday.)


Interested. Would like to attend depending on many variables (day, time, work, etc.).

I have the impression this is using Microsoft SQL server. Is that correct?
Any particular version?

Also we’ll be expected to have that installed and operational on our own hardware before walking into the classroom. Is that correct?

Thank you!


I would love to have a class on SQL. I poke around in databases all day for my job, but I have next to no idea how to manage or design one.

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I’m interested as well

The slide desk lists a laptop with Win 10 as a requirement. Will Win 7 (Pro) work?

Yes, Win 7 will work.

I was planning on using Microsoft SQL Server, but the techniques are applicable to MySQL also. I’ll try to provide SQL examples for both databases.


Wednesday and Thursday are bad nights for me. I’ll try to do this on a weekend since one person only can only manage weds or sunday. How does Sunday afternoon sound to everyone? We can do a 2 hour session. Most of this will be hands on practice of writing SQL to extract and present information.

Can someone help me out in terms of what I need to do to get a room for this?



Also, keep an eye out on my GitHub account, i’ll be posting examples of sql there over the next couple of days.

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I’ll point you to the online documentation, but really, it’s easiest if you can find a time to meet with a veteran to walk you through the first one. It isn’t hard, but it’s nice to have someone who’s been there and done that…
Teach – Dallas Makerspace (the “rules”)
So You Want to Teach A Class - Dallas Makerspace
(includes several links, such as the Room Info, etc.)

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Don’t plan around me, but Sunday after 5 or so would be good for me.

Don’t forget to cover the basics of database design.

If we’re needing access to an throw away database (psql, mysql, sql server, mongo, …) then PM me your AD username and I’ll get you added into the community grid’s AD groups and dashboard.

I’d like to sign up when it’s on already.


ok, it looks like a sunday from 6 to 8 would work best. And yes, I’ll cover the basics of database design :slight_smile:

This Sunday might be a bit too soon, so lets plan for next Sunday (3/25) from 6pm to 8pm. I’ll stop in during the week and try to talk to someone about getting a room for 8-10 people. I’ll keep updating the slides on GitHub. I’ll also put them into pdf since it seems the file is too large to serve up easily.



I’ll point out that, if by “stipend” in your original post you meant “honorarium”, you’ll need another day, as those require posting 240 hours prior to class start. Thus, for it to qualify for honorarium on Sunday, 25 Mar 2018 with start time of 1800, it would have to have been submitted to the calendar before Thursday, 15 Mar 2018 1800.

…stick to the ANSI core SQL…

ANSI core? Yikes! That brings back interesting memories. Making lobster dinner bets with Ann Harrison. Discussing SQL minutiae with Diane Brown. Good times.

In any case, try to use a standard post 1987. :smiling_imp:

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Thats ok, i’ll teach the class anyway, i was just hoping to give the software group some funds. I can plan better next time. Meantime, getting the room is a priority. I’ll stop by sometime tomorrow (Sunday 3/18) to see who is around.


I’m interested in attending/auditing, if it’s not too late. I’m trying to switch careers from Graphic Design into tech.

In which case, post as type "event’ and fret not the honorarium requirements. Here is a link with a walkthrough.

As to choosing a room, see the room guide here

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