We’re getting close to starting the electrical installation in the 102 warehouse. To that end, over the last few months that area has become a safe haven for a lot of junk, and a bunch of it needs to move or be thrown out to allow the contractors to do their jobs.
To fix this we’ll have a special “spring cleaning” dumpster delivered to the 102 dock on the weekend of January 9 (subject to change if @richmeyer thinks we should move it).
By that date, ALL personal storage must be out of 102, it shouldn’t have been there anyway, it needs to be gone. Whatever personal storage is there when we begin the clean out… gets cleaned out.
All committees storing items there, who will not eventually reside there, need to make arrangements to get their stuff out. Looking at you @Hackerspace, @Team_Hatchers (not much, but still…), @Team_Woodshop, and all the others. Some of this stuff we can make accommodation for, but we at least need a disposal plan or a long term storage plan.
Committees who will reside there, make sure your stuff is tagged and palletized. (Which you should be and probably are doing anyway, but heads up.)
This is also a good opportunity to combat our hoarding instincts, so review your committee areas. If you have useless stuff that needs to go, but couldn’t decide on the right time, let’s get rid of that junk and make room for all the new junk we’ll acquire in 2020. @Committee_Chairs
I appreciate the dumpster, it will make things easier. Thanks for the heads up Also, my plan with the Hackerspace committee area is to turn most of it into storage by putting in some metal shelving.
Please pin this to the top. This cleanup is important to all DMS members and our Expansion Effort. We need to clean out the warehouse of all unused items to make room for electrical and mechanical contractors.
As Chair of your committee I would believe that you have the authority to answer that question for yourself. This is your opportunity to clean up your areas, get rid of the small or big stuff. The Machine Shop was given a lot of work benches lately. Decide which ones you want to keep, get other committees to accept a few, or put them in the dumpster.
The Warehouse area will be cleaned up. I will have major expansion related construction going on in the next few month, we need the room. I have given a reasonable amount of time (3-4 months) for folks to identify what belongs to their committee and to tag it accordingly. No personal storage is allowed.
As an example: We had a donation of office furniture including chairs, cubicles, drawers, etc… It was a “take it all or nothing” situation. We have used some of the furniture, the rest just sets there. The unused stuff will be dumped.
There are many items that are labeled “to be sold”. Equipment to be sold will be handed by the rules and regulations given by the Board. Whom ever is disposing or selling this stuff…get it done and get it out of here. If not removed soon, it too will end up in the dumpster.
Who owns the stuff in the Dumpster? Can I do my own dumpster diving to retrieve something for my personal use? Again…let the Board decide this issue.
I was concerned about the items that do not seem to be claimed. I don’t recall there being tags on the cubicles, large 20ft pallets & a few other items.
Based on the new asset disposition rules, the Treasurer must approve the disposal of all non-consumable assets in advance, and it requires at least a three day lead time.
This could put a serious crimp on the expansion clean-out. It seems like an unintended consequence of the new rule. Maybe Brad @brsims can come to DMS and be onsite to pass judgment during the disposal process so as to not delay the expansion cleanout.
Hm. But – if there’s stuff in the warehouse, and it’s donated (somehow someway), and hasn’t been claimed by any committee, is it truly an asset? In this situation, I feel that it’s unlikely that we’ve recorded it on the books.