Spot welding "tabs" onto lithium batteries

Does anyone have any experience in spot welding tabs onto lithium batteries? I understand that this method is much better than soldering (and safer too!). I think you need a “mini” spot welder (not the automotive type!) Any help or discussion would be appreciated.


I go to Batteries Plus in Lewisville where they sell the batteries and will spot weld tabs on them for free.

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Perfect! I’ll go and up there and talk to them. Thanks.

Or you could use the battery spot welder in electronics. The nickle strip is in the toolbox.

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I was hoping Electronics had one! Where (about) is it located (the welder)?

I found the welder. The nickle strips are in the tool cabinet with the hand tools?

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Tenacity! Found the roll of nickle strip. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

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I’ve some interest in using this myself SomeDay™.

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You will have to do some trial and error to get it right. Hopefully people have damaged the probes.