"specifically not the flutters" firs meeting last night - notes

We didn’t discuss a new name because I was running so late.

1st and foremost I was late and I can’t connect to talk via my phone (I will investigate) I had Kris post something. I apologize. The liftgate on the truck is busted - my apologies. @Brandon_Green help! Allen can’t figure it out.

It was a very successful meeting with @Photomancer @Kriskat30 @Cairenn_Day @Shirley @cmcooper0 in attendance

Everyone was in agreement about realistic commitments to building up the community aspect of DMS. We are all aware of the holidays and how much that can demand of work/family/commitments outside of DMS. Lots of plans will be implemented and grown with time if successful some things will work others won’t all really depends on how we can get the word out to members.

*Makertrade/Swap day

  • happened last week
  • posters were up and it was on the calendar for not quite a month but for some time (lots of posters taken down…lame)
  • wasn’t the most successful of ideas (participation and attendance)
  • but it’s a good idea that should keep on
  • we have some ideas to make it more successful
  • will happen again around June-ish
  • pair it with a DMS car clean out (kidding kidding…possibly)

*Pot lucks

  • every other month on 1st Sunday to avoid burnout
  • lunch time (will post dates on a different thread)
  • We will be purchasing some items to help facilitate them (chafing dishes, warming tray and stuff like that)
  • themes and food contests seemed to peak peoples interest
  • dates to be published
  • Anti-super bowl is successful build on it a bit @artnerdray
  • When is that beer tasting this year? @AlexRhodes

*Maker Crawls

  • will happen about every 3 months
    *not about comparing makerspaces about sharing a spirit of makerspaces/makering
  • first one coming in Denton November 4th
  • maker meet up is on Facebook - I will make a separate event of it on the DMS calendar
  • will gauge lots based on the success of that event
  • next one will be Dallas
  • @uglyknees is the person who’s going to be the point person for that
  • @talkers volunteered to make t-shirts for this event for distribution
    *cost is nominal and already purchased for PR via open house @Adam_Oas I’m putting you with that task too and someone else from Facebook wants to help (I don’t know her name on talk) Take a day and bust out quite a few maker crawl shirts and have them for the year.

*New Member Orientation

  • This will take time to develop and shine
  • thinking the first one will be around Jan
  • combined with a pot luck - orientation first and after meet people
  • talk about the “unspoken rules of DMS”
  • help with member buy-in, volunteerism, getting people to know one another, all sorts of positives
  • @MellissaRhodes @cmcooper0 will be the point people for that. Lot’s of work involved
  • lots of the groundwork is already established

*DMS Member Picnic

  • everyone thinks its needed was successful
  • spring/early summer
  • reservation will be on the books soon when I have time to go reserve a date
  • I’m going to put it at the same park as last year
  • suggestions were made on how to make it better after the picnic last year will be taken into account

*Maker Sale

  • December 9th
  • @Photomancer blocked out two rooms already
  • members purchase tables and sell
  • $ goes to maker fellowship fund
  • we are going to try it this year
  • be ready for an announcement ASAP

*Other things discussed

  • Cross Timbers link @TLAR we are going to talk about that for the next tour
  • Maker maker conferences for other makerspaces @Photomancer this is a really big idea and will be March/April implementation
  • T-shirt design contest coming out ASAP @uglyknees
  • I would like to have the year basically mapped out with the larger social events and have a postcard printed to be distributed to new and existing members - just the big stuff before January
  • we were gifted $150 a month for this venture - this commitment to money using will not be taken lightly.
  • importance of being realistic in our expectations and amount of time we have to commit (I’m talking to myself here)

I am incredibly excited about the Christmas Maker Sale. I couldn’t comment on the official board post but wanted to post my support of this. I’ll be happy to help with it in any way that I can. I am already thinking about Facebook groups to to post to for advertising if the sale will be open to non-members and if we have enough space.


YAS! today I have very very very little time to dedicate to anything except for homecoming and bananas (it’s a thing) Thursday and Friday I will work on this.

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Count me in on helping with the sale

What would be a suggestion for building up on the Anti Superbowl event?

Can’t really mix food like a potluck into it since everyone is working with clay (dirty hands).

I am sure we all know the EnEff7 are a bunch of chowderheads, but market-protective lucrative chowderheads, so don’t use the words “super” and “bowl” together for any advertising (especially for an “event” that is searchable by the Googlers and such, because the EnEff7 'bots’ll surely find them) so we don’t have to deal with “cease and desist” letters…
I’ve got no ideas. You’d think escaping the drudgery of that event would be enough…

What do you think we should do? It was suggested that we could build on it but it’s your baby.

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On one hand, the EnEff7 is looking for a celebrity to sing the national anthem while the other is looking for celebrities to take the knee during.


You could mix food with it if you have things with handles/sticks.Toothpicks work well for that.

A party could be called a Superb Bowl party. :slight_smile:

serve “roughage only” and call it the “superb bowel” party?


Soups or things served in Bowls, yes a Souper Bowl bring a dish

How about “The Anti Bowl ArtLuck PotLuck”

People bring random art supplies they would like to share or never use and artist grab what they want and create something with it. They are welcome to take the supplies home afterwards. Leftovers can go to Creative Arts.

And a potluck mixed in there.

Or leftovers go back with the people who brought them if they prefer.


Art, I think your anti-Superball night’s have been a great success and are now becoming a tradition. I wouldn’t want to schedule anything that you think would detract from that. It’s a really cool night with a lot of positive energy.

It would be cool to make some tables out of old Tailgates to serve as refreshment tables to get into the spirit of the thing.

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