Speaking of the Letterpress - T-shirts! OMGGGGGG

Citizens of the West, have you heard the clammer in the Creative Arts?

Creative Arts has again captured the spirit of our day in gleaming metal. Outside, it’s bold new artodynamic styling…longer…bigger…one long sweep of beauty up to the distinctive rear platten. Inside, it’s more spirited…with sparkling new “miracle” metals! On it’s platform, it’s breath-taking…welcoming the Kelsey Excelsior Model O lubed up and ready to rumble…sorta kinda…(ok still work to be done).

Touch it and I’ll kill you.
To help support the cost of getting this bad girl operational we are trying something a bit different by offering exclusive razzle dazzle t-shirts in exchange monetary donations. Grease our palms and we will dress your body.
Only $15 to support an entire rebuild.
Please make sure to put in a pre-order for the t-shirt (not accepting money yet)
We need a minimum order to make this work.

Please enter information via this link:

Thank you to @macapaka for the design (in exchange for dinners)


Ok I only have 9 shirts ordered so far - minimum is 25 so please take a look-see.
I’m trying to hold off until paypal is figured out to actually get them in.

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