Sorry! I milled a bit of the shapeoko spoilboard!

I am so sorry. On 11/6, I milled some very shallow rectangles into the spoilboard of the Shapeoko 2. They are very shallow. The mistake occurred while I was homing the Z. I am sure that went to far down and punched into my soft mdf when the actual top of the mdf was a 1/16th or so higher. As there is not very much damage to the spoilboard already, my mistakes should not affect the usage of the machine right now.

Sorry again,
Brian Churchman


Hey, thanks for reporting it. I checked and it’s fine, minor flesh wound! CC: to Missy so you’re known as one of the folks who does the right thing and lets us know. Thanks again!

P.S. Loved the box you made, very nice.


If @jphelps isn’t worried, I’m not. Thanks for being the type to own up!

Thats why we have a spoilboard :slight_smile: