Why do media outlets and their reporters intentionally or ignorantly keep using the false term assault rifles/weapons? News outlets are supposed to be factual and accurate. The term assault rifle to describe the AR15 is neither.
You have to wonder what the agenda is if the reporters aren’t being called out by their editors or publications for it; or why there aren’t more publications calling out politicians for it.
#DoYouReallyHaveToAsk…? I.E., #Isn’tTheAanswerPrettyObvious?
Octotrope forever!
really rather simple, sometime in the past some idiot report said that AR stood for Assault Rifle and it naturally followed that the A in AK must also be Assault…
Is this some kind of conspiratorial code?
Having been around news media a few times in my carrier in print, they know what they are saying. The media is being disingenuous with their misuse of terms. It is not accidental, they take advantage of our politeness as a group in not pointing out these mistakes and then use the introduction of bad arguments to deflect from productive conversation on the topic.